Developing leaders,

one inning at a time.

Year-round fun

We have a comprehensive schedule of games, tournaments, and community building throughout the year, including indoor winter practices.

Non-Profit Team

Volunteer driven, and family run. We fundraise hard, and budget carefully, to keep costs as low as possible. Financial transparency is our key to success.

Player Development

Specialty coaches are available for training specific positions. Each athlete is given the opportunity to thrive on the team based on their individual abilities and efforts.

Grow their confidence

Our athletes come to know the joy of playing a sport equipped with sound fundamentals and a solid support system behind them. Hard work and honest assessments are critical in our pursuit for excellence. Expectations are high for everyone, both on and off the field.

Building a better team together

Our coaches are responsible for planning and executing organized and resourced practices, while modeling leadership, self respect, and respect for others. Our coaching staff holds players accountable while encouraging them to excel in softball and, most importantly, in life.

Are you ready to work like a Dawg?